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Running Split Calculator

Created by Dominika Śmiałek, MD, PhD candidate
Reviewed by Dominik Czernia, PhD and Jack Bowater
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

Are you preparing yourself for a marathon? This running split calculator will help you organize and plan your training and competing sessions so you will be better prepared when the time comes. Use this split time calculator to estimate your pace over a shorter distance, like 4km (in miles: 2.49) or 2km (in miles: 1.24).

This mile split calculator is not only here no help you plan your pace for the whole race, it will also encourage you to do more exercise, improve your heart function, and maybe lose some pounds. ❤️ There's no use in an abrupt beginning to run. Start off slowly, raise your heart rate, don't go over your max heart rate, and boost your performance gradually.

We try our best to make our Omni Calculators as precise and reliable as possible. However, this tool can never replace a professional doctor's assessment. If any health condition bothers you, consult a physician.

What are splits in running?

Split means the time a runner needs to complete a specific distance. For example, say you've set your base time as 10 minutes for 1 mile and want to run 4km.

How much is 4km in miles?

4km is 2.4855 miles. Therefore, using our base time set above, it'll be two full splits that are both 1-mile long and take 10 mins each. The resting distance is 2563 feet (781 meters), ran in 4 min 51 sec. With this mile split calculator, you don't need to know how to work this out - it'll do all of it for you automatically.

Of course, splits are also a term used in other sports, such as rowing. 🚣‍♀️ Running splits are essential for people training to perform in competitions, marathons, etc., as they let them know if they are keeping up the right pace.

There's also something called negative splits:

  1. 🏃Instead of starting with your goal pace, begin around 10-25 seconds per mile slower (6 - 15 seconds per km). Thanks to such a proportion, you should have more power at the end of the race.

  2. 🏃🏃 When you reach the second third of the race, speed up to the goal pace.

  3. 🏃🏃🏃Once you reach the final third of the race, speed up to between 10-25 seconds per mile faster than the goal (6 - 15 seconds per km). This will help you pass the runners who kept to the same pace for the whole race.

2km in miles? How much is that?

Do you often have problems with tools which seem easy to use, but then you trip when you have to convert between different units? In this running split calculator you can easily switch between any units: time, distance, and pace. You can also do the same in the Results section!

Ok, but let's answer the main question:

  • 2km in miles is 1.2427 mile; and
  • 4km in miles is 2.4855 miles

Running training

You can easily apply split running to your training sessions. That will improve your overall pace and let you build more strength and aerobic capacity.

🏅The training would differ depending on which distance you compete over:

  1. 800m:
  • 3 x 600m, divided into smaller sets: 3 sets 2 x 300m with a 1-minute rest after each repetition and a 10 minute rest between the three sets.
  1. 400m:
  • 3 sets 2 x 200m (again, 1-minute rest after each repetition and then 10 minutes between the three sets).
  1. 1500m:
  • 4 sets (600m, 1-minute rest, 400m) (8 mins between sets).
  1. Marathon, if you're training on a 5k pace:
  • 5 sets 3 x 1000m (30-seconds rest after the repetitions, 5-minute rests between the sets).

These sets and paces are only an example to help you visualize what split running training means. Always consult your training plan with your coach and dietician to keep your diet balanced and fuel your body correctly. 🌿

Running split calculator

To use this mile split calculator, all you need to do is to input the following values:

  1. Distance for which you want to know how to calculate split times.
  2. Total time in which you want to finish.
  3. The pace or how often you want to split.

What can you see in the results?

The first two fields are the number of full-length splits and the time you need to complete them in. The other two are the last part of the run, which is left after you finish all of the full length splits. Here you'll also find the distance and time to run.

Half marathon pace calculator - an example

Let's put that theory into practice! Maria will run a half marathon next week. She tries to plan her pace for the whole race and knows at what time to do splits. 🏃🏻 Her pace is 8 min 10 s per mile. Half marathon means 13.1094 miles or 21.098 km. Even though she often uses miles, now Maria needs to know her timing if she split every kilometer, and that's when she uses this running split calculator.

How to calculate split times? The results are:

  • Number of full splits: 21;
  • The time for each 1km completed: 5 min 5 sec;
  • The resting distance: 97.53 m; and
  • The time for the resting distance: 29.76 sec.

This half marathon pace calculator also estimates Maria's total time to complete a half-marathon: 1 hour 47 minutes!


How to calculate run splits?

To calculate run splits, divide the total distance and time into a number of parts of equal length. What you get are:

  • Number of splits;
  • Time needed to run one split;
  • Resting distance; and
  • Time needed to complete the resting distance.

How to calculate target splits when running 1500 m?

To calculate target splits in a 1500 m run, first choose one lap length. In general, it's 400m. It means that there are 3.75 laps in the race. If your 1500 m time is 3:50, you will run three complete laps, 1:01 each and 300 meters in 46 seconds.

How do I run negative splits?

To run negative splits, you begin slower than your goal pace, then you reach the pace, and in the final stretch you speed up even more. For example, divide your total distance into three parts:

  1. At the beginning, run 10 - 25 seconds per mile (or 5 - 15 sec/km) slower than your goal pace.
  2. Once you're at the second third of the race, speed up to the goal pace.
  3. At the end, try to run 10 - 25 seconds per mile (or 5 - 15 sec/km) faster than the goal pace.

Can I split my runs in two?

Yes, you can split your runs in two. For example, if you're running 800 meters, split it into two laps, 400 m each. You can always divide any run into smaller portions, especially when training for negative splits or long-distance runs.

Dominika Śmiałek, MD, PhD candidate
Total time
Splits every
Number of full splits
and, a shorter run of
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