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Grams to cc Converter

Created by Dominika Śmiałek, MD, PhD candidate
Reviewed by Arturo Barrantes
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

Do you often wonder, how much volume a certain fluid has? This grams to cc converter is here to help solve any doubts. The tool enables quick conversion from mass (in grams) to volume (in cc).

In the article below you'll find more information on how the calculator works, how to convert mass and density to volume, what are the formulas behind it, and how many grams in a cc actually there are.

How to find volume of mass?

When trying to calculate volume from mass, we need one variable that connects those two: density.

The heavier an object, the denser it is, and therefore it occupies less volume. For example, in the human body muscles have more density than fat. Therefore, a muscular person looks less chubby than the one that has more fat - even if they both weigh the same.

To calculate volume when the mass is defined, the formula is simple, and includes the use of density:

 V=MD\ V = \frac{M}{D}


  • VV - the volume of the item
  • MM - mass, how much the object weighs
  • DD - density, preferably in kg/m3kg/m^3 or g/cm3g/cm^3

How many grams in a cc?

You may still be wondering how many cc are in a gram. However, the answer still differs, depending on the density of a substance. There is no direct way to convert from volume to weight and the other way around - you'll always need one more factor.

There's one exception when the calculations are extremely easy. If we have one kilogram of water at the temperature of 4 °C (39.2 °F). Then its density equals 1g/cc (1kg/l).

Grams to cc converter

Now that you know the formula behind our tool, check out how to use it:

  1. First put in the weight/mass of an object in grams.
  2. Find out the density of the given object - it may be either in kg/m3kg/m^3 or g/cm3g/cm^3.

The volume in cubic centimeters appears automatically. The tool works each way, so you can also first input volume and calculate the mass with the use of density.

Other volume/mass converters

Here you will find more tools to help you convert from volume to mass and vice versa:


How many grams in a cc?

It depends on the density of an item. For example, there is one gram of water in a cubic centimeter of this fluid.

How to find volume of mass?

To calculate the volume of mass you need:

  1. Mass (in grams, kilograms, etc.)
  2. Density of the item (in kg/m3, g/cm3, etc.)

The formula for converting mass and density to volume is V=M/D, where:

  • V - volume
  • M - mass
  • D - density

Is 1kg equal to 1 liter?

1kg equals 1 liter only when it's pure water in perfect conditions: when it reaches a maximum density of 1 kg/l, with a temperature of 4 °C (39.2 °F). If the density is different, 1kg occupies a different volume than 1 liter.

Dominika Śmiałek, MD, PhD candidate
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