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Bandwidth Calculator

Created by Mateusz Mucha
Reviewed by Steven Wooding and Jack Bowater
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

Our bandwidth calculator is a simple tool which will let you determine the download time for a file of a given size, provided you know your internet speed. It can also be used the other way round - you may use it as a download speed calculator if you know the time and file size. The unit most commonly used to express bandwidth is Mb/s (megabits per second). To find out what Mbps is, see below.

If you need to use other units, our Mbps to Gbps converter might be a tool you're looking for. Don't forget to check it!

Download speed and download time calculator

You will most likely want to use this calculator as a download time calculator, but you should know that our bandwidth calculator works either way you want - you can provide download time and filesize to figure out the speed at which it was downloaded (it essentially becomes a download speed calculator). Tip: You can determine the size of an image using the image file size calculator.

If you provide the download speed and the time, we will calculate how much data may be downloaded over that particular time. As with all our tools, the bandwidth calculator is just as flexible as you want it to be! Be also sure to check the data usage calculator to analyze how much data you're using by browsing the Internet.

What is Mbps?

Mbps or Mb/s stands for megabits per second or, in other words, millions of bits per second. SI prefixes still apply to download speed units, so you can form larger or smaller units by adding them, either as kilobits per second (kbps, thousands of bits), gigabits (Gbps, billions), terabits (Tbps, trillions), etc. As data can also be expressed in bytes, we may also use byte conversion: kBps, MBps, GBps, TBps, etc. One byte is 8 bits, so those values would be 8 times smaller. For example, 10 Mbps lets you download 1.25 MB per second.

Bandwidths are of various types and play an important role in determining the baud rate for various transmission devices. You can learn more about it in our baud rate calculator.


What is bandwidth?

Bandwidth measures how much information a device can transfer in a given amount of time. It is expressed in bits per second or, most commonly, in larger units, such as Mbps or Gbps (megabits and gigabits per second, respectively).

How do you calculate the time it takes to download a file?

To calculate how long it takes to download a file from the internet, follow these steps:

  1. Estimate or find the file size of your chosen file in bytes.
  2. Write down the bandwidth of your internet connection in bits.
  3. Multiply your file size by 8 and divide by the bandwidth. The result is the number of seconds it will take for your download to finish.

How many MB is 100 Mbps?

12.5 MB/s. One hundred megabits per second equal 12.5 megabytes per second. To convert bits per second to bytes per second, simply divide the number of bits per second by eight.

Mateusz Mucha
File size
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