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3D Printing Cost Calculator

Created by Bogna Szyk
Reviewed by Małgorzata Koperska, MD and Adena Benn
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

Whether you're just starting out or running a professional 3D printing business, this 3D printing cost calculator and our paper thickness calculator will surely come in handy. After inputting a few basic parameters, you will be able to determine accurately what you should charge for any job.

Naturally, if you don't own a 3D printer and are trying to figure out how much it costs to 3D print, this calculator is also a tool for you! Keep reading to understand the fundamental principle behind it or to find out which filament type is the best for your project.

If you are serious about starting a printing business, you should also explore our paper quantity converter to learn more about the terms associated with buying paper in bulk and the amount contained within. Additionally, our pixels to print size calculator will help you to learn more about what it takes to create good-quality images when printing. This is something anyone serious about building a printing business should know.

How much does it cost to 3D print?

Our 3D printer calculator splits the total cost of a 3D printing job into two parts: the material cost, corresponding directly to the material that will be used, and labor cost, associated with the time of printing. Additionally, you can add a markup to ensure you're getting at least some profit on each item you print.

We calculate the material cost according to the following formula:

material cost = ρ π × (d/2)² × L × price


  • ρ is the density of the material;
  • d is the diameter of the filament;
  • L is the length of the filament used for printing; and
  • price is the cost of material per unit weight (per kilogram or pound).

Once you know the material cost, it's time to find out what is the labor cost:

labor cost = time × hourly rate


  • time is the time needed to finish the job,
  • hourly rate is the cost per one hour of 3D printing.

At the end of calculations, our 3D printing cost calculator adds the markup) to account for the profit:

final price = (material cost + labor cost) × (100% + markup)

Voilà - you just found the total price of a 3D printing job! Be sure to experiment with the result, for example, by changing your hourly rate or by adding half an hour to printing time to simulate a jammed extruder that you need to fix.

3D printer filaments

You probably noticed that the material cost depends on three main factors: the volume of the material, its density, and its price. While the volume depends solely on the project you're about to print, the other two are associated with the type of filament.

In our 3D printing cost calculator, you can choose between the six most common filament types. If you're using a different one, open the advanced mode to manually input its density.

filament type

full name

density (g/cm³)


Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene



Polylactic Acid



Polyethylene Terephthalate



T-Glase filament



High Impact Polystyrene



Thermoplastic Polyurethane



How much does it cost to 3D print per inch?

It costs $0.35. However, It highly depends on the material cost. Omnicalculator tool 3D printing cost calculator can help you analyze between different options.

  1. We need to choose the material type. For example, ABS with a density of 0.6069 oz/in3 and a price of $20.
  2. Considering density, we need to print 0.6069 ounces.
  3. Our 3D printer calculator indicates that 3d printing one inch will cost $0.35.

How to calculate the 3d print cost?

You can use Omnicalculator 3D printer calculator or do as follows:

  1. Define your 3d printer material type and get its price per kilogram. Also, find out its density
  2. Calculate the volume of your 3d print model. Use your design software for increased preciseness.
  3. Get the mass of your model by multiplying its volume per material density.
  4. Multiply the obtained mass by the material price per kilogram. The result represents your material 3D print cost. Do not forget to add labor costs such as electricity and designing time.

Can you make a business with a 3d printer?

Yes, you can, and Omnicalculator tool 3D printing cost calculator can help you with it. To be successful with it, follow the subsequent recommendations:

  • Dedicate proper time to material selection since quality/usability matter the most.
  • Do not forget to add labor costs such as electricity, and manpower costs, among others.
  • Add a markup price which will be your profit over your costs.

How to 3d print?

Once you have covered how much it costs to 3D print and you have a 3d printer at home plus printing material, do as follows:

  1. Create or find a design of your interest. Save it as an STL file in a portable memory.
  2. Adjust the nozzle and the printer bed position to be parallel and close enough.
  3. Preheat the bed, and check any other manufacturer recommendations.
  4. Print!
Bogna Szyk
Cost of material
Material type
ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)
Filament diameter
Filament length
Filament weight
Material cost
Labor cost
Printing time
Cost per hour
Labor cost
Final price
Final price
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