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Right Trapezoid Calculator

Created by Łucja Zaborowska, MD, PhD candidate
Reviewed by Gabriela Diaz
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

The right trapezoid calculator is indeed the right tool for computing all the properties of our favorite trapezoid.

We'll show you what's the difference between a 'typical' and a right trapezoid, and teach you how to calculate the slant of the right angle trapezoid. Follow the text for more!

What's the right trapezoid?

A right trapezoid is a trapezoid with one of its legs perpendicular to both of the bases. In other words, it means that such a trapezoid must contain two right angles.

It should be our favorite type of trapezoids - it's much easier to calculate! It is because the height of the trapezoid is equal to one of its sides.

Don't you worry - our right trapezoid calculator is here to help you with all the necessary steps. 👌 We'll calculate:

  • Right trapezoid area;
  • Right trapezoid slant side;
  • Right trapezoid height;
  • Right trapezoid perimeter;
  • Right trapezoid angles; and
  • Right trapezoid median - available in the advanced mode.

💡 A rectangle is also a right trapezoid - it does satisfy the condition described above!

How to calculate the slant of right angle trapezoid?

We can easily calculate the slant side of a right angle trapezoid using the Pythagorean theorem:

d=(ab)2+(c2)d = \sqrt{(a-b)^2 + (c^2) }


  • d is the slant (long) side of a trapezoid;
  • a is the longer base;
  • b is the shorter base; and
  • c is the short side (trapezoid's height).

How to calculate the length of right trapezoid?

A right trapezoid is indeed special - its height is equal to the length of its shorter side. We can calculate it easily, using a modification of the Pythagorean theorem:

b=d2(ac)2b = \sqrt{ d^2 - (a-c)^2}


  • b is the shorter base;
  • d is the slant (long) side of a trapezoid;
  • a is the longer base; and
  • c is the short side (trapezoid's height).


Does a trapezoid with one right angle exist?

No, it doesn't. A trapezoid may have two right angles or none at all.

Why is that so? 🤔

Two of the trapezoid bases must be parallel to each other. That's why, if one of the sides is at right angle (perpendicular) to one of the bases, it also must be perpendicular to the second one.

Łucja Zaborowska, MD, PhD candidate
A trapezoid with sides, angles and height marked
a (base)
b (base)
c (side/height)
d (slant side)
Area (A)
Perimeter (P)
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