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Rate Pressure Product Calculator

Created by Aleksandra Zając, MD
Reviewed by Anna Szczepanek, PhD and Adena Benn
Based on research by
F L Gobel, L A Norstrom, R R Nelson, C R Jorgensen and Y Wang The rate-pressure product as an index of myocardial oxygen consumption during exercise in patients with angina pectoris.; Circulation; March 1978See 1 more source
Luis Domingos Fornitano, Moacir Fernandes de Godoy Increased rate-pressure product as predictor for the absence of significant obstructive coronary artery disease in patients with positive exercise test; Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia; Feb 2006
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

Suppose you're interested in peeking into your heart's function without doing many complicated tests. In that case, our rate pressure product calculator is an excellent place to start! Keep on reading to find out:

  • What is the rate pressure product (RPP) formula (spoiler: it needs only two basic measurements);
  • How does cardiovascular product correlate with myocardial oxygen consumption; and
  • What is the relationship between RPP and exercise?

We try our best to make our Omni Calculators as precise and reliable as possible. However, this tool can never replace a professional doctor's assessment. If you are experiencing health issues, consult a physician.

What is a rate pressure product?

Rate pressure product (or cardiovascular product, or even double product) is a good indicator of the stress put on the cardiac muscle. It will tell us, indirectly, how much energy the heart needs to work and what is the myocardial oxygen consumption. The higher your rate pressure product is, the greater your chances are of a cardiac problem (such as angina pectoris or congestive heart failure). A healthy heart doesn't get tired as quickly as an unhealthy one.

Interested in cardiac diseases? Check our other tools:

Rate pressure product formula

The rate pressure product formula is simple:

RPP = max HR × max SBP


  • RPP - Rate pressure product;
  • max HR - Max heart rate (beats/minute); and
  • max SBP - Maximal systolic blood pressure (mmHg).

How to use the rate pressure product calculator?

To use our calculator:

  1. Fill in the maximal heart rate row. Check also the estimated value in the max heart rate calculator.
  2. Enter the maximal systolic blood pressure.
  3. That's it! Your rate pressure product (or double product) is there.

Rate pressure product alone cannot make a diagnosis, but you'll also see a rough interpretation of the result.

Normal rate pressure product

Everything below 10,000 is considered a standard rate pressure product. Higher values indicate a greater workload on the heart. Therefore, cardiac conditions such as angina pectoris or heart insufficiency can be suspected.

When a person starts working on their cardiovascular fitness, you can usually observe their double product decreasing over time. The heart adapts to physical activity and becomes stronger - so it doesn't get tired as quickly. The RPP drops down.


Why does rate pressure product increase during exercise?

Rate pressure product (RPP) should always increase during exercise. Your heart is a muscle, similar to the muscles of your arms and legs. While exercising, you're forcing your whole body to work. Its energy and oxygen demands are rising. That's why the RPP is increasing.

How do I find rate pressure product?

To find rate pressure product (RPP):

  1. You need to know the maximal heart rate of a patient: max HR (in beats/minute).
  2. You must know maximal systolic blood pressure: max SBP (mmHg).
  3. Multiply both values using the formula: RPP = max HR × max SBP.

How do I calculate rate pressure product with heart rate 176 and blood pressure 184 mmHg?

RPP (rate pressure product) in this case = 32384 mmHg × bpm (beats/minute).

To calculate the rate pressure product with those values, you have to multiply both maximal heart rate and systolic blood pressure.

RPP = max HR × max SBP = 176 × 184 = 32384 mmHg × bpm

What are the ranges for rate pressure product?

Normal rate pressure product (RPP) should not exceed 10,000. The table below shows the ranges for the RPP index.

Rate pressure product

Hemodynamic response




High intermediate




Low intermediate



Aleksandra Zając, MD
Max heart rate (HR)
Max systolic blood pressure (SBP)
Rate-pressure product
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