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PSI Calculator

Created by Łucja Zaborowska, MD, PhD candidate
Reviewed by Steven Wooding and Aleksandra Zając, MD
Based on research by
M J Fine, T E Auble, D M Yealy, B H Hanusa, L A Weissfeld, D E Singer, C M Coley, T J Marrie, W N Kapoor A prediction rule to identify low-risk patients with community-acquired pneumonia; The New England Journal of Medicine; Jan 1997See 1 more source
Bashir Ahmed Shah, Wasim Ahmed, Ghulam Nabi Dhobi, Naveed Nazir Shah, Syed Quibtiya Khursheed, Inaamul Haq Validity of Pneumonia Severity Index and CURB-65 Severity Scoring Systems in Community Acquired Pneumonia in an Indian Setting; The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences; Jan-Mar 2010
Last updated: Jun 02, 2023

Our pneumonia severity index calculator (PORT/PSI calculator) allows you to quickly compute the number of points of the PSI score (also called the PORT score), along with the risk and mortality of your patient connected to community-acquired pneumonia. We don't stop there - our tool informs you whether your patient requires hospitalization, according to their PSI results.

Follow the article below to find out more about the PSI classes and pneumonia admission criteria. ⚕️

We try our best to make our Omni Calculators as precise and reliable as possible. However, this tool can never replace a professional doctor's assessment. If any health condition bothers you, consult a physician.

What is Pneumonia Severity Index?

PSI score for pneumonia is one of the physicians' tools for estimating mortality in patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia - CAP.

💡 CAP is basically a pneumonia which is not a result of a hospitalization - a pneumonia encountered in an everyday life.

The PSI calculators for pneumonia help medical practitioners make the right decisions regarding the treatment of the patient and their hospitalization, based on the patient's individual risk.

Another scale used for pneumonia assessment is CURB-65. (see: CURB-65 calculator)

Why is it essential?

Proper evaluation of the patient's state is crucial not only for reducing mortality and increasing survival but also for lowering medical care costs and elevating the satisfaction from the treatment. Research concluded that 91% of the patients are happy with their ambulatory care, compared to only 79% of patients pleased with their in-patient treatment.

Want to know more about pulmonary diseases? Visit our other pulmonary tools:

How to use the PSI calculator?

Our pneumonia severity index calculator is pretty straightforward - it requires only one input, and answers to multiple yes or no questions grouped in three categories:

  • Patient's characteristics (8 variables)
  • Physical examination findings (6 variables)
  • Laboratory findings (6 variables)
  1. Age of your patient - patient of advanced age usually have a higher risk.

  2. Sex - pneumonia in males may take a more severe course

  3. Is your patient a nursing home resident?.

  4. Does your patient have a history of renal disease?

  5. Does your patient have a history of cerebrovascular disease?

  6. Does your patient have a history of liver disease, e.g. liver fibrosis?

  7. Does your patient have a history of a neoplasm?

  8. Does your patient have a history of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)?

  9. Have you observed any alteration in your patient's mental status?

  10. Is pleural effusion visible on X-ray?

  11. Does his/her respiratory rate exceed 30 breaths per minute?

  12. Is his/her pulse over 125 beats per minute?

  13. Have you observed a decrease in systolic blood pressure, with values under 90 mmHg?

  14. Are you concerned about your patient's temperature readings? Look for values <95°F or >103.8°F (<35°C or >39.9°C).

  15. Is your patient's BUN (blood urea nitrogen) over ≥30 mg/dL (≥11 mmol/L)?

  16. Is his/her hematocrit lower than 30%?

  17. Is his/her sodium (Na) lower than 130 mmol/L (130 mEq/L)?

  18. Check the glucosereadings; look for values over 250 mg/dL (≥14 mmol/L - for conversion visit blood sugar converter).

  19. Is your patient's pH lower than 7.35?

  20. Check the partial pressure of oxygen and oxygenation of your patient - values under 60 mmHg (or <8 kPa) should bring your immediate attention.

Your result will include: 🌬️

  • PSI pneumonia severity score;
  • PSI class;
  • Mortality rate; and
  • Hospitalization recommendation.

How to calculate PSI/PORT?

To calculate PSI, use the table presented below to add up all the points accumulated by your patient.

Patient's characteristics


1 year = 1 point


Male (0 pts)

Female (-10 pts)

Nursing home resident

Yes (10 pts)

No (0 pt)

Renal disease

Yes (10 pts)

No (0 pt)

Celebrovascular disease

Yes (10 pts)

No (0 pt)

Liver disease

Yes (20 pts)

No (0 pt)


Yes (30 pts)

No (0 pt)

Congestive Heart Failure

Yes (10 pts)

No (0 pt)

On examination

Altered mental status

Yes (20 pts)

No (0 pt)

Pleural effusion visible on x-ray

Yes (10 pts)

No (0 pt)

Respiratory rate ≥ 30 breaths/min

Yes (20 pts)

No (0 pt)

Pulse ≥ 125 BPM

Yes (10 pts)

No (0 pt)

Systolic BP < 90 mmHg

Yes (20 pts)

No (0 pt)

"Temperature < 95°F or > 103.8°F

(<35°C or >39.9°C)"

Yes (15 pts)

No (0 pt)

Laboratory findings

BUN ≥ 30 mg/dL (11 mmol/L)

Yes (20 pts)

No (0 pt)

Hematocrit < 30%

Yes (10 pts)

No (0 pt)

Sodium < 130 mmol/L (130 mEq/L)

Yes (20 pts)

No (0 pt)

Glucose ≥ 250 mg/dL (14 mmol/L)

Yes (10 pts)

No (0 pt)

pH < 7.35

Yes (30 pts)

No (0 pt)

pO₂ < 60 mmHg (8 kPa)

Yes (10 pts)

No (0 pt)

Łucja Zaborowska, MD, PhD candidate
Patient's characteristics
Nursing home resident?
History of renal disease
Celebrovascular disease
Liver disease
On examination
Altered mental status
Pleural effusion
Respiratory rate ≥ 30 breaths/min
Pulse ≥ 125 BPM
Systolic BP < 90 mmHg
Temperature < 95°F or > 103.8°F
Laboratory findings
BUN ≥ 30 mg/dL (11 mmol/L)
Hematocrit < 30%
Sodium < 130 mmol/L
Glucose ≥ 250 mg/dL (14 mmol/L)
pH < 7.35
pO₂ < 60 mmHg (8 kPa)
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