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Height Percentile Calculator

Created by Dominika Śmiałek, MD, PhD candidate
Reviewed by Dominik Czernia, PhD and Jack Bowater
Based on research by
The WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study WHO Child Growth Standards;; 2006
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

Have you recently wondered, how tall am I, or whether your child's development is correct? With this height percentile calculator, you will quickly discover your child's height percentile, as well as what a height chart for boys and girls looks like. And that's not all; in the article below, we will explain the purpose of percentile calculators (including head circumference percentile calculator or weight percentile calculator), how to find percentiles, and, in the end, give you an example of how to use this tool.

💡 Some crucial factors in child and teenage growth and development are diet and a good night sleep.

Height percentile assessment - what's the purpose?

A child's development in the first few years of their life is not constant - every kid has periods of excessive growth (making all of their clothes too small before school starts🎓) as well as intervals in which their height remains the same. Therefore, the WHO (World Health Organization) developed growth charts, boys and girls-adjusted. They are based on data collected from thousands of children all over the world, and so are thought to be reliable for the majority of little ones.

Proper height percentile boy, and height percentile girl assessments should be done during every pediatric visit, as following the child's growth meticulously can quickly detect any disorder of development. It's important to know that parent's height, and therefore genetic factors, strongly influence the child's future height (check with our height calculator). Also puberty can come at any time, which means that the kid could have their growth spurt a bit later. That's why a visit to the doctor's and a thorough medical history might help find the answer to any developmental disorders.

Height percentile calculator - instructions of use

There are a couple of steps you should follow to answer the question: "How to find percentile?," or maybe you're curious about "How tall am I, among my peers?". To use this tool, please:

  1. Give us some details:

    • age of the child (either in weeks, months or years). Please provide the child's age to an accuracy of 1 week if they are up to 13 weeks old. If they are older, one-month precision is okay.
    • whether it's a boy or a girl (height percentile girl differs from height percentile boy)
  2. The length or height of your child. Remember that you can easily switch between units within the calculator.

After all of that, you will receive some numbers. What are they? The first one is the exact height percentile boy (or girl), and the line below gives the percentile range where the child places (essential for the physician!). In the end, there is a graphic showing where the child places among peers, as well as an interpretation of the growth chart for boys and girls.

How to interpret height chart for boys and girls

After filling in all the fields in the height percentile calculator, you'll see some figures. As you've seen in the previous part, the first number is the exact height percentile girl (or boy) result. Below there is the range in which that percentile lies, e.g., between the 15th and 50th percentiles. This would mean that 50% of children are taller than the kid, while 15% are shorter. The 50th percentile is the middle, and therefore it shows the average height for a child of that age.

A height percentile that is either below the 3rd or above the 97th percentile should be concerning. In the first case, it might mean that your kid is too short for their age, while the latter means they are too tall. Although your kid might become a natural basketball player, we recommend that in such a situation, you consult a physician and a dietitian. Also, it may be wise to also check their weight percentile, to see whether they follow the same ranges in both classifications.

Height percentile boy/height percentile girl - important facts

Doctors consider the rate of growth as an important factor when looking at the height chart for boys and girls:

  1. The child should follow the same percentile line on the chart as they grow.
  2. If the results cross two or more percentile lines (they raise/decrease by at least two ranges), e.g., from the 75th-85th percentile to the 15th-25th percentile, you should consult a doctor.
  3. If their height is below the 3rd or above the 97th percentile, check if the baby has always been in those ranges. If your child has only entered these ranges recently, consult a doctor. Also, take a look at their weight and BMI calculator for kids.
WHO height for age chart - girls
Girls chart - height for age, World Health Organization; Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO
WHO height for age chart - boys
Boys chart - height for age, World Health Organization; Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO

Our data derives from the WHO (World Health Organization), and the standards that were developed using data collected in the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study. The data only covers children aged up to 19, which is why this height percentile calculator can't be used for anyone older.

How to find percentile in practice

Let's put theory into practice and work on an example. Anthony is a 45 years old father of an only child. The child has recently turned fourteen but seems a little bit small for his age. He hasn't had to change his desk height for far too long. Therefore Dad started wondering what should be the average height for a 14-year-old boy and took him to a pediatrician.

The physician calculated his percentiles with this height percentile calculator: age: 14 years, sex: boy, height: 146 cm.

The results were: exact percentile: 2.53, between 1st and 3rd percentile. Even though according to the BMI calculator for teens, the parameters are correct, the height classification means that he is of small stature, and his development requires further diagnostics.

We try our best to make our Omni Calculators as precise and reliable as possible. However, this tool can never replace a professional doctor's assessment. If any health condition bothers you, consult a physician.


How to calculate the height percentile for a two year old 34-inch tall boy?

This boy is between 25th and 50th height percentile. To find it, you need to:

  1. Know the child's gender;
  2. Know the exact age of a child;
  3. Know their height/length; and
  4. Check their position on the special charts, e.g., WHO height for age charts.

What does the 75th percentile mean for height?

75th percentile for height means that you are taller than 75% of the people of your sex and age. Of course, that also means only 25% of your peers of the same gender are taller than you.

What height represents the 95th percentile calculator?

It depends on the exact age of the child. For example:

  • For a two-year-old boy, it's around 36.1 inches;
  • For a three-month-old infant girl, it's roughly 25.5 inches;
  • For a 16-year-old teenage girl, it's around 5 ft 8 inches.

What is the normal percentile for height?

Anything but the exceptions listed below can be normal — as long as a child develops properly and is regularly seen by a pediatrician. Remember that:

  • The child should follow the same percentile line as they grow.
  • If the child is below the 3rd or above the 97th percentile, you should see a pediatrician.
  • If the child crosses two or more percentile lines as they grow, you should see a pediatrician.
Dominika Śmiałek, MD, PhD candidate
Girl ♀️
Height / Length
Your child is in the:
Check out other percentile caculators:

✔️ Weight
✔️ Head circumference
✔️ BMI

This tool is based on WHO's child growth standards.
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