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ANC Calculator Without Bands

Created by Łucja Zaborowska, MD, PhD candidate
Reviewed by Anna Szczepanek, PhD and Rijk de Wet
Based on research by
Al-Gwaiz LA, Babay HH. The diagnostic value of absolute neutrophil count, band count and morphologic changes of neutrophils in predicting bacterial infections.; Medical Principles and Practice; 2007
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

The ANC calculator without bands is the ultimate way to compute the absolute neutrophil count. Take a look at your lab report and choose a set of data that suits you best:

  • NEUT — neutrophils or total neutrophils;
  • POLY (POLYS, GRA or PMN) — polymorphonucleocytes or polymorphonuclear neutrophils;
  • POLY+BANDS; or
  • SEGS+ BANS .

🎈 Don't stop here — our absolute neutrophil calculator will educate you on the most critical aspects of the ANC and will show you how to calculate absolute neutrophil count using a few chosen methods.

What is the ANC count and why do we need it?

The ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is one of the essential measurements of human white blood cells. The absolute number lets us know about the actual number of given cells present in our organism.

Neutrophils themselves are one of the most vital means to protect our body against bacteria. The low number of neutrophils is called neutropenia and is a dangerous state of impaired immunity typical in e.g., hematological malignancies.

While the ANC may be presented in the lab report already, the ANC calculators with neutrophil percentage still play a valid role in assessing the possibility of bacterial infections in many patients. 🌡️

What are different names for neutrophil percentage?

The ubiquity of different names used in lab reports and neutropenia calculators may be confusing! We've prepared a short guide to help you with all the doubts you might have. 🧪

Total neutrophils = Segmented neutrophils + Banded neutrophils

  • NEUT is called the neutrophils or the total neutrophils. This value describes all the neutrophils in your organism.
  • POLY may have two different meanings:
    • Identical to total neutrophils (NEUT); or
    • Equal to segmented neutrophils (SEGS) — usually given along with bands.

How to calculate ANC without bands?

It's so easy that the use of the calculator is only optional! Try the following equation:

ANC = WBC × 1,000 × NEUT,


  • ANC is the absolute neutrophil count, given in cells/μL;
  • WBC is the white blood cell count, given in ×10³/μL; and
  • NEUT is the total neutrophil count (sometimes written as POLY), given in %.

Happy with the ANC calculator without bands? It's just the beginning! Try some of our other medical 💉 calculators:

What are the ANC units?

The typical ANC unit is the number of cells per 1 microliter [cells/μL].

The ANC is calculated with the use of:

  • Total neutrophil percentage [%]; or
  • The sum of segmented and banded neutrophils [%];

Along with:

  • White blood cells (WBC) count, usually given in thousands per microliter [×10³/μL].

What is the ANC calculation formula with SEGS and bands?

The lab reports may be written entirely differently depending on a given company, customs, and the machines used. Sometimes instead of NEUT or POLY, you'll find a number of SEGS and BANDS instead. Let's calculate it together:

Total neutrophils (%) = SEGS (%) + BANDS (%)

The final formula looks as follows:

ANC = WBC × 1,000 × Total neutrophiles (%)


  • ANC is given in cells/μL;
  • WBC is given in ×10³/μL.

How to use the ANC calculator without bands?

It's all much easier than it seems!

  1. Take a look at your lab report and enter your number of white blood cells.
  2. The absolute neutrophil count calculator without bands offers you 4 different options of describing neutrophils; choose the one that suits you best.
    • NEUT
    • POLY
    • POLY + BANDS
    • SEGS + BANDS
  3. Once you choose the proper name that's present on your report, enter the percentage into the right boxes.
  4. That's it! You're done — enjoy your results! 🎉

What are the ANC count ranges?

Looking for the absolute neutrophil count meaning? Take a look at the table below:




Severe neutropenia


Moderate neutropenia


Mild neutropenia


Normal range



Łucja Zaborowska, MD, PhD candidate
WBC count
Your lab report data
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