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Albumin Globulin Ratio Calculator

Created by Łucja Zaborowska, MD, PhD candidate
Reviewed by Anna Szczepanek, PhD and Rijk de Wet
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

Welcome to the albumin globulin ratio calculator! We'll show you everything you need to know about the AG ratio meaning and the AG ratio blood test. 💉

We won't stop at basic definitions — keep on reading to:

  • Learn more about the different proteins in our body;
  • Find out how to calculate albumin globulin ratio; and
  • Discover the normal albumin globulin ratio ranges.

❗ The albumin globulin ratio calculator cannot be used as a substitute for clinical knowledge and/or consultation with a medical specialist. Always consult your doctor.

What is A G ratio?

The AG ratio is the abbreviation for the albumin globulin ratio, sometimes called the alb glob ratio. It's obtained with a quick test performed on a blood sample. This proportion tells us about the relation of two important proteins in our body:

  • Albumins are the most common proteins in human blood. They bind to different substances and regulate the oncotic and osmotic pressure. Their normal range is 3.5–5.2 g/dL.
  • Globulins are produced by the liver and the immunological system (antibodies!). They have higher protein molecular weight than albumins. Their normal range equals 2.6–3.5 g/dL.

What is the albumin globulin ratio used for? 🤔

The physicians use the A/G ratio to diagnose different diseases associated with abnormally low or high levels of proteins and/or check for eventual malnutrition. The list of possible disorders is long and may include dehydration, HIV/AIDS, kindey failure or liver failure.

What is a normal AG ratio?

The albumin globulin ratio's normal range varies depending on the quoted source — it's been reported as either:

  • 1.2–2.2;
  • 1.5–2.5;
  • 0.5–1.2; or
  • 1.1–2.5.

Usually, a A G ratio of 1.0 or less is considered significant. The same goes for values over 2.5. Consult your local laboratory on their specific ranges.

What does a high AG ratio mean?

The meaning of a A high A/G ratio depends on the state of the patient, their signs, symptoms and reported complaints.

Let's say that your AG ratio is 2.5, meaning it's way too high than it should be. Let's look at all the disorders that may be responsible for this result:

  • Dehydration (high levels of albumin, due to lack of water);
  • Leukemia (impaired globulin production);
  • Immunodeficiency, e.g., HIV or genetic disorders (impaired globulin production); or
  • Drug interactions.

How to calculate albumin globulin ratio?

We can help you with this simple task! The formula you need looks as follows:

A/G Ratio = Albumin / (Total protein − Albumin)

Where both Albumin and Total protein are given in g/dL.

Happy with our AG ratio calculator? We have plenty of amazing ratio tools to discover — like:

What does it mean to have the A G ratio of 1.0?

Usually, a ratio of 1 is considered to be too low. A low A/G ratio might be indicative of:

  • Inflammation (overproduction of globulin);
  • Liver disease (impaired production of albumin);
  • Kindey disease, e.g., nephrotic syndrome (loss of albumin in urine);
  • Autoimmune disease (excessive production of immunoglobulin — antibodies); or
  • Myeloma (excessive production of immunoglobulin — antibodies).

Want to know more about the liver damage? Why don't you start with the AST ALT ratio calculator. 📍

Łucja Zaborowska, MD, PhD candidate
Total proteins
A/G ratio
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