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Square Miles to Square km Converter

Created by Jack Bowater
Reviewed by Luciano Miño
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

This square mile to square km converter is specifically designed to help you move between those two units of area - and so much more! As sq mile to sq km conversion is quite a common one to perform, we will explain in detail how to move from one to the other, and part of this will be by explaining how many square kilometers are in a square mile, This will allow you to make the calculation anywhere in the world, regardless of your internet connectivity.

How many square kilometers are in a square mile?

There are approximately 2.59 square kilometeres in one square mile. This is because there are 1.61 km in a mile, and so squaring this number results in 2.59 sq km. This is the only number you need to know to perform sq mile to sq km conversions!

How to convert square km to square miles?

To convert square km to square miles:

  1. Divide the number of square kilometers by 2.59.
  2. Alternatively, multiply the number of square kilometers by 0.386 to get your square miles.

Our other area conversion tools

We hope that the extended units we have included in the drop-down list to the right of the calculator field covers all potential area conversions you may wish to perform. However, there are many units of area, and so perhaps a specialized tool is what you require:


What is 40 square miles in km?

There are 103.6 square kilometeres in 40 square miles. This result is found by multiplying 40 square miles by 2.59, the amount of square kilometers in a square mile.

How big is 30 square km to square miles?

30 square km is 11.58 square miles. This is because there are approximately 0.386 square miles in a square kilometer. If you don't wish to do this calculation by hand, use a square miles to square km converter!

How much is 4000 square km in miles?

4000 square kilometeres is equal to 1544 square miles. You can find this by performing a square kilometer to square mile conversion - divide the number of square kilometers by 2.59.

Jack Bowater
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