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lbs to Pounds Converter

Created by Aleksandra Zając, MD
Reviewed by Rijk de Wet
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

Lbs to pounds converter helps you anytime when you're cracking your brain over how to convert lbs to pounds. Wondering how much is 2 lbs to pounds? Or even 22 lbs to pounds? Read on, and it will all be clear in a second!

How to use lbs to pounds converter

Our lbs to pound converter works in real-time. Just type in the number of lbs you wish to convert to pounds. The result will appear immediately in the 'pounds' row.

How to convert lbs to pounds?

It's simple: one lb = one pound.

To convert lbs to pounds, you have to multiply it with 1 (or just change the unit). That means the number of lbs is the exact same number of pounds.

Lbs to pound conversion chart

For simplicity, we gathered some of the most popular questions on lbs to pound conversion, and placed them all in one table.


















How do I convert 1 lb to pound?

To convert 1 lb to pound, you don't really do anything. As one lb is another name for one pound, the two are equal. 1 lb = 1 pound. Actually, lb is an abbreviation of the word pound.

How do I convert 22 lbs to pounds?

To convert 22 lbs to pounds, you don't actually need to do any calculations. One lb equals one pound. The only thing to do is to change the unit's name from lb to pound.

Is lbs the same as pounds?

Yes, lb is essentially the pound. The abbreviation lb comes from the ancient Roman unit libra. From there, it evolved into the British pound. After long years of "pound" meaning different values in various places in the world, it has since been legally regulated for its current fixed value (not the British pound).

Aleksandra Zając, MD
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