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Kelvin Converter

Created by Kenneth Alambra
Reviewed by Purnima Singh, PhD
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

This kelvin converter will let you find the equivalent temperature values of a temperature in Kelvin scale to all the other units of temperature - all in one glance! In this kelvin calculator, we'll discuss:

  • What the Kelvin scale is;
  • The different formulas in converting kelvin to other units; and
  • Some sample calculations of kelvin conversion to other units. There we convert kelvin to Celsius and Fahrenheit.

Ready to explore the Kelvin scale? Then keep on reading ❄.

What is the Kelvin scale?

The Kelvin scale, developed by William Thomson (also known as Lord Kelvin) in the 18th century, is an absolute temperature scale, which uses absolute 0 as its null point. Meaning, there are no colder temperatures than 0 kelvin. Unlike other temperature units, kelvin doesn't come with the degree (°) symbol. So we only use its abbreviation K to define a value in kelvin.

Another unique thing about kelvin as a temperature unit is that we can express kelvins in the International System of Units (SI) multiples using metric prefixes. That is, we can say that one kilokelvin (kK) is equal to 1000 kelvins (K), or one millikelvin (mK) is equal to 0.001 kelvin.

Kelvin conversion formulas

Converting temperature values from kelvin to other temperature units such as degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit only requires some basic mathematical operations like multiplication and addition or subtraction. Here are the different formulas for converting kelvin to other units where T(K) is the temperature in kelvin, T(°C) is a temperature in degrees Celsius, etc.:

Kelvin to degrees Celsius
T(°C) = T(K) - 273.15

Kelvin to degrees Fahrenheit
T(°F) = 1.8 × T(K) - 459.67

Kelvin to degrees Rankine
T(°R) = 1.8 × T(K)

Kelvin to degrees Delisle
T(°De) = -1.5 × T(K) + 559.725

Kelvin to degrees Newton
T(°N) = 0.33 × T(K) - 90.1395

Kelvin to degrees Réaumur
T(°Ré) = 0.8 × T(K) - 218.52

Kelvin to degrees Rømer
T(°Rø) = 0.525 × T(K) - 135.90375

How to use our kelvin converter

To use our kelvin calculator, all you have to do is enter a value in the Kelvin scale to instantly show its corresponding equivalent values in other units of temperature.

You can also enter temperature values in, let's say, degrees Celsius or degrees Rankine to find its equivalent value in the Kelvin scale.

As an added feature, you can go to the advanced mode of our kelvin converter to display another temperature variable in the Kelvin scale. You can use this feature to explore the entire SI multiples of the Kelvin scale so you can also convert temperatures in kelvin to, say, gigakelvin or picokelvin.


What is 500 kelvin in Fahrenheit?

500 kelvin is equal to 440.33°F. To determine the equivalent temperature value of 500 kelvins in degrees Fahrenheit, we first have to:

  1. Multiply the temperature in kelvins by 1.8: 500 kelvin × 1.8 = 900.
  2. Then, we subtract 459.67 from the calculated value: 900 - 459.67 = 440.33.
  3. Finally, attach the degree unit, °, and the Fahrenheit unit modifier, F, to get 440.33°F.

How do I convert kelvin to Celsius?

You can use this equation to convert kelvin to degrees Celsius: kelvin temperature = degrees Celsius temperature + 273.15. So let's say we want to convert a room temperature of 20°C to kelvin. We can calculate it by substituting these values to our equation such that kelvin temperature = 20°C + 273.15 = 293.15°C

What is the boiling point of water in kelvin?

The boiling point of water is 373.15 K. We can get that value by converting the boiling point of water from 100 degrees Celsius to kelvin. To convert 100 degrees Celsius to kelvin, we add 273.15 to it to get 373.15 kelvins.

Kenneth Alambra
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