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Gram to Liter Conversion

Created by Anna Szczepanek, PhD
Reviewed by Komal Rafay
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

Gram to liter conversion can be a tricky one, as it depends on the density of the substance under consideration. That's why we've built this g to litres converter and put a big database of densities inside!

Read on to discover how to convert grams to liters by hand (and liters to grams as well) and about the nice features of our calculator.

Gram to liter conversion

As gram is a unit of mass and liter a unit of volume, conversion between them is not that straightforward. To convert grams to liters, you must use the formula:

Volume [l] = Mass [g] / Density [g/l]

Pay attention to the units!

As for converting liters to grams, we only need to rearrange the formula above:

Mass [g] = Density [g/l] × Volume [l]

Liter to gram conversion for water

For water, the conversion between grams and liters is easy because the density of water is about 1,000 [g/l]. This means that:

  • The mass of water in grams is 1,000 times its volume in liters.
  • The volume of water in liters is a thousandth of its mass in grams.

How to use this g to l converter?

Omni's g to l converter will certainly make your life (at least its part concerning the conversion between g and liters) much easier! To use our tool:

  1. Choose the substance from the drop-down menu. Several categories are available, each containing various substances.
  2. The density of the substance gets filled in automatically. Alternatively, you can input a custom density.
  3. Input the mass in grams or the volume in liters. The conversion happens immediately, and the other field is filled in less than a blink of an eye!

Similar Omni tools

Happy with our g to litres converter? Since mass-to-volume conversion is such useful and common, Omni has built a whole collection converters similar to this one:


What is 200 grams of milk converted to liters?

The answer is a bit less than 0.2 l, more precisely: 0.1942 l. This is because the density of milk is slightly higher than the density of water: it equals 1030 g/l. Hence the density formula gives 200 [g] / 1030 [g/l] = 0.1942 [l], as claimed.

How do I convert 500 g of oil to litres?

500 g of cooking oil is 0.5682 l. To arrive at this answer:

  1. Look up the density of oil: it's 880 g/l.
  2. Divide the mass (500 g) by the density.
  3. That is, perform the computation 500 / 880 = 0.5682.
  4. The answer is 0.5682 liter, as claimed.
Anna Szczepanek, PhD
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