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Pokémon GO Weight Loss Calculator

Created by Piotr Małek
Reviewed by Steven Wooding and Jack Bowater
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

Pokemon Go weight loss calculator helps you figure out how much weight you can lose while playing Pokemon GO

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have probably heard of Pokémon GO, and how it swept across the world. If you are still playing, this Pokemon Calculator should come in handy. The augmented reality game from Niantic Inc. quickly attracted millions of players around the world and became a very popular topic of conversation. While we're still trying to find Charizard in our area, we developed this Pokemon calculator to help you figure out how much weight you can lose while playing the game.

At Omni, we have other weight-related tools. With the body fat calculator, you can check if your body fat is within the normal levels 💪🏼 Are you above the healthy level? then you can try the calorie deficit calculator to find out how long it will take you to achieve your target weight with a given calorie deficit 🍎 If you already are in a healthy weight, you can use the maintenance calorie calculator to estimate how many calories you should consume to keep your current weight 🥑

How does this Pokemon calculator work?

The game itself requires a lot of walking and, while spinning your local PokéStop, you'll probably come across mysterious eggs (are they PokeEggs?). They can only be found from PokéStops, which are points of interest spread around the map so make sure you stop by and reap your rewards.

Each egg you find will come with specific required distance you have to cover to get your eggs to hatch. Creators of the game came up with 3 possible options - 2, 5 and 10 kilometers (1.24, 3.1 & 6.21 miles, respectively). Once you reach the required distance with your egg in its Egg Incubator, your new Pokémon should show up after a short time. And it's now ready to join your impressive portfolio!

Use our Pokemon calculator to quickly figure out how many calories you'll burn while hatching particular eggs and also how much weight you could lose in the process. Choose the type of egg you found, enter the number and read the result. You can also do reverse calculations - figure out how many eggs you should hatch to lose, say, 1 pound. Or check how many eggs you can hatch while walking at particular speed (so it's also a Pokemon speed calculator!)

We used ShapeSense's article to grab the formulas for calories burned while walking (to make the tool simple we assumed the terrain is flat, if you're hiking up you're clearly burning even more). What matters is how much you weigh, how fast you walk and how much time you do it for. For the purpose of calculating the amount of fat burnt, we use common formula of 7,700 calories burnt = 1kg of body fat burnt. Please note that results returned by this Pokemon Calculator are approximate and can depend many on other factors.

💡 The human body needs a minimum daily calorie intake. The resting metabolic rate (RMR) represents the calories we need while at rest. Visit the RMR calculator to determine your RMR!

Piotr Małek
Your Weight
Type of Egg
2 km
Eggs to hatch
Time Needed
Energy burnt
Weight lost
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